Family Learning Gallery - High Museum

Welcome to Family Learning in Interactive Galleries, also called FLING. FLING presents the results of an innovative research project that examined families' value and use of interactive galleries in art museums and their motivations for visiting the spaces. The project studied three southeast art museums with interactive art spaces and their visitors: Frist Center for the Visual Arts (Nashville) , High Museum of Art (Atlanta) , and Speed Art Museum (Louisville) .

The research component was directed by The Institute of Learning Innovation and Audience Focus . These research organizations are dedicated to helping understand free-choice learning and those environments that foster this learning. This is accomplished through research, evaluation, and development of projects with and for museums and other cultural institutions. The on-site data collection research for FLING was conducted by three researchers hired for this project, one at each museum.

The process, research, and results conducted from 2007-2011 are shared on this site.

The project was funded by a three-year grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services National Leadership in Research and Demonstration program.

Other sites of interest:
Frist Center High Museum Speed Art Museum Audience Focus ILI IMLS Default Partners